Saturday, February 8, 2025

Identity Politics in India: An Analysis


Identity politics is individuals forming exclusive political alliances based on their racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity to advance their own interests, rather than those of a larger group. Identity politics goes beyond the political imagination, challenging all engrained notions as well as the significance of race, caste, class, and sexual orientation. The primary assumption underpinning identity politics is that people who share a common identity confront similar forms of discrimination and oppression, and hence must band together to combat those forces. Identity politics in India has its roots in the traumatic history of Partition and the demand for distinct electorates based on religion and caste identities. Furthermore, the state is viewed as an active contributor to identity politics by establishing and maintaining state structures that define and recognize individuals based on their identities. Language, caste, religion, gender, and other factors all contribute to identity politics in India. Identity politics have both beneficial and harmful consequences on society. On the one hand, it raises political consciousness among marginalized and weaker elements of society and improves representation for socially oppressed classes and minorities through legal measures such as reservation. On the other hand, it planted the seeds of animosity and enmity among various sectors of society based on caste, religion, and so on, resulting in confrontations and riots that disrupted communal harmony and the secular nature of the nation. It fostered limited or narrow-minded attitudes among residents and political parties, making them intolerant of other communities. It is accountable for divisive tendencies and fostering separatist impulses, posing a threat to the nation's unity and integrity. The objective of this paper is to study the impact of identity politics on Indian society at large.

Key-words: Indian Politics, Society, Caste, Religion, Gender.

Note: Presented in a ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Understanding India’s North East: Ethnicity, Identity and Issues of Conflicts (Hybrid Mode) organised by IQAC, MGM College in collaboration with IQAC, Pranab College on  7th & 8th February, 2025.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Educational Philosophy of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar

Note: Presented in a One-Day National Seminar on "B. R. Ambedkar’s Philosophical Legacy & India’s Quest For Social Justice" on February 7, 2025 (Friday) Organized by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Study Centre at ICSSR North Western Regional Centre, PU,CHD Sponsored by (Hybrid Mode).

Monday, December 30, 2024

My Academic Report-2024

Dear Scholars/Friends,

I am submitting my academic report for the year 2024 as a part of my regular practice every year.  It helps me to evaluate my academic contribution every year and motivates me to do more…

Book/Paper/Article Published: 01

1. “Future of Philosophical Counselling in India: An Overview” in Pramana: Research Journal, Year 12, Issue 48, Jan-Sept 2024, 98-104 (ISSN:2249-2976).

Award: 01

  1. “Dr.B.R. Ambedkar National Award 2024, Startup Siksha India Foundation, 25/09/2024.

Professional Courses: 02

  1. 03 Days FDP on the theme, “inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by AICTE at Panjab University, Chandigarh from 9th January to 11 January, 2024.
  2. Introduction to Indian Philosophy conducted by SN Sudharsan at OpenPathshala, 12th October, 2024

Paper Presentations/ Lecture delivered : 01

  1. “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as a Contemporary Indian Thinker” in Two Days International Conference on Gandhi and Ambedkar’s Philosophy: Inclusion, Equality and Dignity organized by the Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 23rd to 24th September, 2024.

Programme Organised:03

  • Essay Competition on “Wellbeing in Urban Living” Organized by The Positive Philosophy Society, Department of Philosophy, Post Graduate Govt. College, Sector-46, Chandigarh Sponsored by Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS) Pehowa (Kurukshetra) held on 21st November, 2024.
  • Online One-Day National Seminar on “Socio-Political Philosophy of Prof. Daya Krishna” organized by PGGC-46, Chandigarh in association with DKAF, West Bengal and sponsored by CPPIS, Pehowa (Kurukshetra) held on 21st November, 2024. Link:
  •  ĀNVĪKṢIKĪ : SPPIS Lecture Series: 03 : Bharthari on the identity of Language and Thought by Dr. Shivendra Vikram Singh, ICSSR sponsored Post-Doctoral Fellow at Panjab University, Chandigarh held on 30th December 2024.

Participations in programmes:03

  1. Participated in 1 Day National Programme  on “Virtue Ethics” organised by Department of Philosophy, Moolji Jaitha College (Autonomous) , Jalgaon on 15th October, 2024. 
  2. Participated in National Programme of Study Circle Series sponsored by ICPR New Delhi on “Vedant ka Samaj Darshan” organized by Thakur Prasad Mahavidyalay, Madhepura (Bihar) on 30th November, 2024.
  3. Participated in 1 Day National Programme on Contemporary Relevance on Indian Knowledge System organised by Department of Philosophy, Moolji Jaitha College (Autonomous) , Jalgaon on 30th December, 2024. 

Journal Issues:01

  1. Milestone Education Review (The Journal of Ideas on Educational & Social Transformation) ISSN: 2278 – 2168  Year 13, No. 01 & 02 (October, 2024): Special Issue on “GANDHI AND AMBEDKAR’S PHILOSOPHY: INCLUSION, EQUALITY AND DIGNITY”)

Interview: 01

  1. Two Days International Conference on Gandhi and Ambedkar’s Philosophy: Inclusion, Equality and Dignity organized by the Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 23rd to 24th September, 2024. Link:

Citation Received: 06

  1. What Helps and Hinders the Integration of Yoga Into Mental Health Services, AF Rizzolo 2023.
  3. The Problems with the Self: A Conceptual Analysis, S Hadeei - Authorea Preprints, 2024.
  4. Edukacja filozoficzna w Indiach wczesnego okresu upaniszadowego, M Nowicki 2024.
  5. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh's Integral Education: An Education of The Body, Mind and the Intellect, December 2024, DOI: 10.70096/tssr.240206016
  6. An open letter to the United Nations and the SEPR community about pursuing SDGs in the age of democratic backsliding, June 2024, Socio-Ecological Practice Research 6(1) DOI: 10.1007/s42532-024-00185-x

New Websites: 03

Additional Work:

In addition to the above said, I regularly updated all our philosophy pages including Philosophy News in India, The Positive Philosophy, Indian Psychology, Philosophical Mind Studies, A Class-Room Introduction to Logic, Elements of Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Studies, Philpapers,, ResearchGate,,, Linkedin, YourQoute and Shabdnagri etc.

Hope your blessings, motivation and good wishes guide me in my academic career and social life in future.

Thanks for being with me.

Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal

December 31, 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as a Contemporary Indian Thinker


Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is one of the names associated with the movement to reform the social order that has long been based on suppression and humiliation. He was a philosopher, scholar, and statesman who made significant contributions to nation-building. He spearheaded a number of movements to liberate the oppressed masses and ensure human rights for millions of depressed people. He left an indelible mark on the contemporary Constitution of free India by making significant contributions to its formulation. He symbolizes the struggle for social justice. We can attribute multiple roles to this outstanding individual because of his lifelong dedication to his aim of removing ills from Indian society. The social problems of Indian society also ignored this magnificent figure, especially in the intellectual area.The so-called intellectuals of India did not honestly examine his contribution to Indian intellectual legacy; rather, what they talked revealed their biases against Dalit literates and underestimated his outstanding personality.  This paper will aim to examine essential life facts as well as provide a brief overview of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's literature. This is followed by a discussion of his philosophy divided into five major sections: feminism and women's empowerment, philosophy of education, thoughts about social justice and equality, philosophy of politics and economics, and philosophy of religion.

Key words: Indian education, women's empowerment, social equality, and religious philosophy.

Note: Presented in the a TWO DAYS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “GANDHI AND AMBEDKAR’S PHILOSOPHY: INCLUSION, EQUALITY AND  DIGNITY” From 23rd to 24th September, 2024 held at Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

My Academic Report -2023


Dear Scholars/Friends,

I am submitting my academic report for the year 2023 as a part of my regular practice every year.  It helps me to evaluate my academic contribution every year and motivates me to do more…

Book/Paper/Article Published: 01

  • Philosophical and Educational Thoughts of Sri Aurobindo, Editor :Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal, , Kalamkaar Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, Year 2023(ISBN:  978-81- 19350-21- 6)
  • Professional Courses: 01
  • Workshop on “Advances in Consciousness Studies: Indian and Cross-Cultural Perspectives” organized by the Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems, Assam University, Silchar (Assam) from 27th October to 2nd November, 2023.

  • Paper Presentations/ Lecture delivered: 06
  1. A lecture delivered on "Career Guidance" at Dev Samaj College of Education, Sector 36, Chandigarh organised by Regional Employment Exchange Office, Chandigarh held on 18th September, 2023.
  2.  “Future of Philosophical Counselling in India: An Overview” in A Two Days Conference on “Philosophical Counseling in the Contest o Indian Society” organized by the Department of Philosophy, KUK in collaboration with ICSSR, NWR Centre, PU, Chandigarh held on 19-20 September, 2023.
  3.  “Value Education: An Overview of Educational Initiatives taken in India” in One-Day National Seminar on National Education Policy 2020 organized by Government College Bherian (Pehowa) held on 4th November, 2023.
  4. “Elements of Ethical Leadership in the Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar” in ICPR Sponsored One-Day National Seminar on “Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in Socio-Political Context” organized by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Political Science” held on 16th November, 2023.
  5. Delivered a lecture on “Philosophical Research Methodology: An Overview” In 7 Days National Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology held on 22nd November, 2023.
  6. Delivered a lecture on “Initiatives for Value Education in India” in National Webinar on Philosophical Reflections organized by Department of Philosophy, Nayagarh Autonomous College, Odisha with Philosophy Family held on 26th November, 2023.

New Initiative: ĀNVĪKṢIKĪ : SPPIS Lecture Series: 02

  1. Unveiling the Mystery of Consciousness: From the lens of  Mandukya Upanishad” delivered by Ayush Srivastava, Junior Research Fellow (Philosophy), Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai held on 1st October, 2023.
  2. Intrapersonal Communication and Mental Health in the Context of the Feedback Loops” delivered by Dr. Shivendra Vikram Singh, Former Research Scholar,  Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi held on 5th November, 2023.

Programme Organised:03

  1. A Lecture on “Inclusive Development in India” organized by the Department of Philosophy and Political Science, PGGC-46, Chandigarh held on 10th August, 2023.
  2. Celebrated Birthday of Shaheed Bhagat Singh by Short Essay Competition on “What Young India Thinks?” organized by The Positive Philosophy Society,PGGC-46, Chandigarh held on 27th September, 2023.
  3. ICPR Sponsored One-Day National Seminar on “Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in Socio-Political Context” organized by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Political Science” held on 16th November, 2023.

Participations in programmes:03

  1. Participated in National Programme of Study Circle Series sponsored by ICPR New Dellhi  on “Skepticism; A Debate and Discussion” organised by Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon on 28th August, 2023. 
  2. Participated in National Programme of Study Circle Series sponsored by ICPR New Dellhi  on “Research Methodology & Indian Knowledge System” organised by Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon on 26th September, 2023. 
  3. Participated in National Programme of Study Circle Series sponsored by ICPR New Dellhi  on “Why Be Virtuous: A Reflection in the context of Human Aspirations” organised by Moolji Jaitha College, Jalgaon on 15th December, 2023. 

Journal Issues:04

  1. Milestone Education Review (The Journal of Ideas on Educational & Social Transformation) ISSN: 2278 – 2168  Year 12, No. 01 & 02 (October, 2021): Special Issue on “Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo)
  2. Milestone Education Review(The Journal of Ideas on Educational & Social Transformation) ISSN: 2278 – 2168 Year 14, No 01 & 02 October 2023
  3. Lokāyata  :Journal of Positive Philosophy (ISSN: 2249-8389)  Vol. XIV, No.01, March 2023 (Released on 30th October, 2023)
  4. Lokāyata  :Journal of Positive Philosophy      (ISSN: 2249-8389)      Vol. XIV, No.02, September 2023       Special Issue on “Philosophy of  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar  in Socio-Political Context” (Released on 16th November, 2023)

Citation Received: 06

  1. Mario López (2023)      La Ilustración india: sus orígenes, naturaleza e ideas1 The Indian Enlightenment: its origins, nature and ideas, Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, Humanidades y Relaciones Internacionales, año 25, nº 52. Primer cuatrimestre de 2023. Pp. 221-245.  ISSN 1575-6823  e-ISSN 2340-2199 (Sirswal, D. R. (2013). Mahatma Jyotiba Phule: a modern Indian philosopher. Darshan, 1 (3-4), 28-36.)
  2. Jayashree C. (2023) A Study on Economic Ideas of Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (Conference Paper · June 2023) (.DeshRajSirswal,“CrimeAgainstDalitsandIndigenousPeopleasanInternationalHuman Rights Issue” in Proceedings of National Seminar on Human Rights of Marginalised Groups: Understanding and Rethinking Strategies, complied by Dr. Manoj Kumar, Twentyfirst CenturyPublications,Patiala,2016,pp.214-225.)
  3. Ivana Septia Rahaya, Slamet Subiyantoro, Budhi Setiawan (2023) PERTAHANAN NILAI RELIGIUS MASYARAKAT MODERN DALAM NOVEL IMPIAN AMERIKA KARYA KUNTOWIJOYO Magistra Andalusia: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra, (Sirswal, D. R. (2016). The Role of Religious and Spiritual Values in Shaping Humanity (A Study of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Religious Philosopy). Journal of Ideas on Education & Social Transformation), 7 (1), 1—17.)
  4. Saniya Bhutani & Kamlesh Singh (2023) Sikhism and Its Contribution to Well- Being, Chapter in Religious and Spiritual Practices in India: A Positive Psychological Perspective, First Online: 01 August 2023, (Sirswal, D. R. (2018). Philosophy of life of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Lokayata: Journal of Positive Philosophy, 2(VIII), 61–66.
  5. Shishupal Gorain (2023) Vivekananda’s Moral and Spiritual Values and Relevance in Current Educational Scenario, Chapter · October 2023, Swamiji: Fabulous Facilitator                         and Ideal Philosopher    (2023)     , Editors: Dr. Doyel De, Dr. Soumita Mitra,  Chiranjit Sarkar, Eureka Publications , 2021 for this publication at: (Sirswal, D. R. (2014). Swami Vivekananda, Indian youth and value education. New Delhi: Surendra Publication.)
  6. Sohrab Hadeei (2023) The Problems with the Self: A Conceptual Analysis  at: (Sirswal, D. R. (2010). The Concept of the Self in David Hume and the Buddha. SNC Journal of intercultural philosophy, Human person: various perspectives, 17, 23-36.

New Websites: 03

Additional Work:

In addition to the above said, I regularly updated all our philosophy pages including Philosophy News in India, The Positive Philosophy, Indian Psychology, Philosophical Mind Studies, A Class-Room Introduction to Logic, Elements of Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Studies, Philpapers,, ResearchGate,,, Linkedin, YourQoute and Shabdnagri etc.

Hope your blessings, motivation, and good wishes guide me in my academic career and social life in future.

Thanks for being with me.

Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal

December 31, 2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Delivered a lecture on “Initiatives for Value Education in India”

Delivered a lecture on “Initiatives for Value Education in India” in the National Webinar on Philosophical Reflections organized by the Department of Philosophy, Nayagarh Autonomous College, Odisha with Philosophy Family held on 26th November, 2023.